How To Start Running: Top Tips & Reasons Why You Should

How To Start Running: Top Tips & Reasons Why You Should
Running is a mental game, the hardest part is the first step. If it was as easy as setting your watch and heading out the door, then we’d all be doing it. We know how hard it can be to lace up and log your first miles, that’s why we are here to help.
In this article, you’ll find:
- What Are The Benefits Of Running?
- Tips For Starting Running
- Why Should I Start Running?
- Beginner Running Plan
- Running In The Morning vs. Evening: Which Is Better?
- Take Home Message
- Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Benefits Of Running?
Heart and lung health
Like how exercise strengthens your muscles when you work them, the same applies to your heart and lungs. When running, your heart and lungs are working very hard to supply your body with blood and oxygen for energy, causing them to become stronger over time.
By lowering your resting heart rate, it indicates your heart is pumping more efficiently. Also, by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, running is a great way to improve your hearts health.
Alongside your heart, your lungs work to provide oxygen for your body. Runnings helps improve your lungs efficiency when it comes to providing this oxygen, leading to improved cardiovascular health.
It’s super cheap
No need for a gym membership, expensive equipment or classes, just a good pair of trainers and some practical running clothes is all you need to run. The cheapest yet one of the most efficient ways of exercise leaves you with no excuses to get started! Check out some of our latest Velocity pieces designed for an optimised run at a low price!
Perfect social time
Running can be seen as lonely and boring, however that is not the case at all. Joining a running club or running alongside a mate not only makes your runs that little bit more enjoyable, but it creates great times for catch ups and keeping on top of your social life without neglecting your fitness routine.
Lowers stress
Running is great for eliminating stress, giving yourself a bit of time to yourself provides an escape from your day to day schedule, allowing you to take your mind off things for a little while. Running outdoors is a great way of calming your mind and boosting your mood, which takes us to the next point.
Enjoy nature
With many other types of exercise you are more than likely stuck in a hot gym or class. Whereas with running you get to exercise in nature. Trail running enables you to see amazing places whilst you complete your run which gives running an edge on other exercises!
Puts your mind in control
Yes, running is very physical, however mentally it is super challenging too. Being able to not only overcome the physical demands, but the mental ones is something which is very rewarding, a sense of achievement which is hard to get elsewhere.
Perfect for weight loss
The ultimate weight loss exercise! As one of our models and ambassadors Oliver Dominique: @olidom_ said: “Running is the best thing for weight loss I’ve tried by far”
Helps with sports
Running improves your muscular endurance. Having good stamina and being able keep a high intensity for prolonged periods of time is something you need for many sports. Ever wondered why you see boxers, footballers, rugby players and so on run so much? This is why.

Tips For Starting Running
The benefits of running are endless. Whether that’s physical or mental, it’s clear to see why running is so good for the body and mind and why so many people love it. However, we all know running is good for you, but sometimes that isn’t enough motivation to actually make you start. Here are some top tips which will hopefully help you get to the starting line!
Get the right shoes
The right shoes are vital, not only for comfort, but to lower the risk of sustaining injuries. Having a proper cushion to limit the impact your joints receive when running is super important. Going for a pair of running specific shoes rather than an average trainer is the one of the first things you should look at getting.
Get the right clothes
The last bit of gear you will need is clothing then you are ready to go, we told you it’s cheap! Proper running clothes are vital for a comfortable run with as less distractions as possible. Running in sweaty, heavy clothing is not the one! Luckily, we have a whole range of sweat-wicking, lightweight pieces designed for the perfect running experience. Check them out here!
Set a realistic/manageable routine
Running is great for personal discipline and creating a bit of routine within your life, however, making sure this routine is manageable is important. You don’t want to try and out do yourself. Start off by running a few times a week, work it around your schedule and don’t feel like you need to be running every day to make a difference.
Warm up and cool down
A tip which so many ignore, warming up and cooling down is key to avoid injuries, especially if you are new to running, your body simply won’t be used to the physical demands it has on your body and sustaining an injury without warming up or cooling down is likely.
Small steps first
Taking it step by step, literally, is a must for running beginners. When you first start running, your time, speed and distance won’t be great. Also, you may not even be able to run for the entire duration of your route. Running, walking then running again is completely fine. Don’t expect big things from yourself, just focus on reaching the finish line, and with consistency comes improvement.
Join a club or bring a mate
As previously mentioned, running can be great socially. Running on your own for some can be so much easier when accompanied with other people. Not only does this take your mind of the running, but catching up with a mate whilst running kills two birds with one stone, balancing your social life and fitness life together!
Try different types of runs
Don’t just run the same route in the same places each time, of course this will get super boring and repetitive and decrease your motivation. Instead, try runs in different areas surrounded by different scenery to keep things fresh. Even switch between trail running to track or treadmill running. Alternating your types of runs is a great way of making sure your runs don’t slowly burn you out mentally.
Track your progress
Tracking your progress can be a great bit of motivation for new runners. As soon as you see your time or speed improving, this is a great incentive to then carry on as clearly you are becoming a better runner. Seeing improvement, you will want to see how far you can take it, so make sure to track your progress!

Why Should I Start Running?
The benefits are clear, but here are some reasons why YOU should start running.
The perfect cardio
Our ambassador Oliver Dominique: @olidom_ who a is a regular runner said “Running for me is my favourite type of cardio, and out of every exercise I tried, running was by far the best for weight loss”.
Mental and physical wellbeing
Not many exercises are as stimulating for the body and mind quite like how running is. After a run your body may be feeling rough, but your mind and mood will be on top of the world.
Different to other exercises
Running is like no other, being able to exercise virtually wherever you are, whether that’s through the countryside or through a city centre, running allows you to work out in spaces other exercises won’t allow you to.
No Excuses
With running, you can start now! No excuses saying you don’t has access to run, the outdoors can be your gym. You don’t have to worry about spending a ton of money, just a good pair of trainers and clothes will do and then you are good to go!
Beginner Running Plan
If you are a total beginner, here is a schedule you could follow as a guide to getting started!
Monday: Run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat four times. Tuesday: Rest Wednesday: Run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat four times. Thursday: Rest Friday: Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat four times. Saturday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Take advantage of running then walking method, the walking will feel like a well earned rest, however you are still active and still moving. Keep on increasing the amount of time you are running each week, then you can repeat the cycle more than four times once you start getting used to this routine.
After a while you may feel like you can decrease the walking time, or even get rid of it completely, this is a great way to track progress and understand how far you have come. This method is also easily adjustable, if you feel you can do slightly more or less than this, simply adjust the times and sets to what suit you! Make sure to plan it around your week, and once you get used to this routine, you can look at adding in extra days where possible!

Running In The Morning vs. Evening: Which Is Better?
Running In The Morning
Our ambassador Oliver Dominique: @olidom_ says “Morning runs are by far my favourite; I feel a morning run sets me up for my day and gets me in the mood. I can also go to the gym after a run, however I can’t gym first and then run, it’s too tiring”. For a positive start to your day morning runs are brilliant, it also means you get it out of the way and have the whole day ahead of you. However, morning times can be a bit crazy and trying to fit a run in can sometimes be a bit too much to ask for!
Running In The Evening
Running is the evening also comes with its benefits, it gives your more time throughout the day to fuel your body with the right nutrients which in turn will help your body when running. Evening runs also allow you to run with more time on your hands, you don’t have to worry about making it back in time for work or school. However, with evening runs, you may feel like after your busy day, the last thing you want to be doing is going for a run and instead putting your feet up.
Overall, there is no right or wrong when it comes to morning vs evening runs, at the end of the day, if you have run you have won, It doesn’t matter when you did it. Just work around your schedule and run to a routine you can realistically achieve.
Take Home Message
The first step is always the hardest, but with countless benefits and many reasons why running should be something you start this year, there is no better time than now to start. With our new Velocity range built for the perfect running experience out now, it’s a great chance to grab yourself some high-quality running pieces and start your running journey the right way.
How does a beginner start running?
Starting running as a beginner is no easy feat. We know it’s easier said than done, but get the first one out the way with. The first is always the worst, and after finishing it, you know the hardest part is out the way and it’s only upwards from that point on! The best thing to do is get into a routine, even if you go slow, take breaks or don’t go far, just get out there and go for it!
How long should I run as a beginner?
This is completely depending on where you are at physicality wise, not everyone will be the same. A teenager who plays sports but doesn’t actively go for runs will be able to go further and quicker than an older person who does no physical activity at all. Instead of focusing on distance, maybe look at time. For example, run for 2 minutes, walk for 1. This method is easily adjustable to suit all levels.
Is it better to run in the morning or evening?
Overall, there is no right or wrong when it comes to morning vs evening runs, at the end of the day, if you have run you have won, it doesn’t matter when you did it. Just work around your schedule and run to a routine you can realistically achieve.
When should I eat before I run?
Carbohydrates are the best thing to eat before a run as this is what your body will use for energy. Try to keep fats and fibres low. Stuff like fruit, potatoes, bread, pastas and oats are good options for a pre-run workout.