Empower Your Gym Training with Tempo

Empower Your Gym Training with Tempo
MP strives to optimise your performance by engineering and developing quality workout clothing that is fit for purpose. Our new Tempo Collection, focuses on high sweat HIIT and gym workouts, it’s our newest and most vibrant range that’ll empower you to movement.

Why HIIT Workout?
HIIT simply stands for high intensity interval training. This form of training is highly beneficial. Intense exercise after exercise with minimal rests creates a vigorous yet highly advantageous session.
What’s great about a HIIT workout is you can tailor it to be suitable for you, creating circuits which focus on your needs. Whether that’s cardio, muscular strength or perhaps weight loss specific sessions to get fit fast that look something like:
Sprint for 40 yards, walk back to the start and repeat. As a beginner you could do this for a lower number of sets, or if more advanced, you could complete this the maximum number of times possible to really push yourself. Just of course, be weary of your limit and don’t risk injury.
The more intense the session = greater the buzz, higher dopamine levels and greater the satisfaction. Yes, HIIT will reward your body physically, but afterwards, mentally you will feel on top of the world. Be empowered with this new range – strive for more progress.

High Comfort, Minimal Distraction
With sleek, stylish designs complimented by various innovative features, the
Designed For Sweat
If you aren't sweating, we have a problem. If you are sweating, Tempo has you covered. During an intense HIIT workout you’re inevitably going to get a sweat on. Rather than see it as an annoyance, look at it from a positive perspective. A sign of commitment and a badge of honour.
With the Tempo Collection, sweat is a welcome guest. Fresh, innovative sweat wicking fabrics help to keep perspiration away from your body and to keep you cooler. Check out the Men’s Tempo Short Sleeve Tee where breathable and lightweight fabrics combine to create a very airy and refreshing fit and feel.

Look Good, Feel Good.
Models pictured are wearing the latest Tempo Seamless and
Looking good surprisingly influences your performance. Looking in the mirror before a session and affirming to yourself you look good; serotonin levels can be increased. Serotonin levels directly link to your concentration, self-esteem and mental relaxation, all key factors within quality performance. Think about it, it could be the small kick of extra confidence you might need to smash your session.
Multiple mix and match options from the collection offers loads of choice on what to rock to the gym this week. A combination of vivid colours to stand out with a more subtle, the variety Tempo offers is pretty awesome, don’t believe us then check for yourself.

Inclusive Performance
Tempo has been expertly constructed to cater for both indoor and outdoor training, who doesn’t like to mix things up a little. Both men and women have specific needs and we’ve studied our consumers carefully to produce leading products to empower you. Strategic ventilation and mesh in high sweat zones in certain men’s products such as our Men’s Tempo Shorts will keep these areas cool and give you that ‘I bossed that’ feeling post workout.
Our Tempo Seamless Sports Brafor women has fixed the problem of finding an actual sports bra that seems to be comfortable and effective. Not only that, but the cut and sew
MP Empowers.